Friday, December 30, 2011

The Secret World of Alternative Operating Systems

Step into the world of operating system alternatives to Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.
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The Background

When it comes to desktop operating systems, there are three obvious choices: Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. But a whole world of alternative OSes lies below the mainstream radar.
These little-known products are actively or recently developed, and some folks actually use them to get things done. Here are twelve of these strange beasts, all of which run on modern x86-based PC hardware, and many of which can be downloaded for free. Impressively, none of them are based on Linux.


Sabily (Arabic literary meaning: My Way) is a free, open source operating system designed by and for Muslims. It is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution which is a Free and Open Source (FOSS) operating system and has pre-installed packages for the Arabic language.
Sabily includes a set of packages that customizes Ubuntu. Ubuntu is easy to use for a novice user, with the most-used Office, Internet, Graphics and Video applications already installed.

With Sabily, Muslim users have “out of the box” Islamic software and tools installed as well. Sabily includes Islamic software (prayer times tool, Qur'an study tool, Hijri calendar etc.) and has a custom design. Sabily can be downloaded for free from the official website.


GEM (Graphical Environment Manager) began its life in 1985 as Digital Research's graphical

shell for CP/M. It made its way to MS-DOS and was the Atari ST's interface. Caldera, which ended up owning GEM, open-sourced it in 1999. Since then, enthusiasts have updated and extended the code, which is typically released as FreeGEM or OpenGEM.

You can download an OpenGEM package that runs on just about any PC and includes apps-I recommend the "Full CD" package of FreeDOS, a DOS workalike that comes with OpenGEM. Just don't expect too much: GEM retains its primitive look-and-feel so it can run on old hardware.


Syllable is a free, open source OS with a strange pedigree. It began in 2002 as a fork of AtheOS, an earlier open source operating system (no longer developed) that once aspired to be an AmigaOS clone. Syllable uses the AtheOS file system (itself similar to the BeOS file system) and retains partial POSIX compliance that makes it easier for Syllable enthusiasts to port Linux applications over to the platform if desired.

The ultimate result is an operating system that is neither here nor there and has very little application support. But its developers keep chugging along with the goal to provide a free, easy-to-use desktop OS that is not based on Linux.


As a capable graphical OS, MenuetOS pulls off a remarkable feat: it can be booted and run off a single 3.5″ floppy disk. Of course, if you want a more sophisticated setup, you can install it on a hard drive.

A key feature of MenuetOS that lets it run in such limited space is that it is written entirely in x86 assembly language. The author's dedication to assembly-only programming keeps the OS and its included apps lean and speedy, and these properties have attracted a small but dedicated following over the past decade.

Breadbox Ensamble

Breadbox Ensemble traces its ancestry to PC/GEOS (cousin of the more well-known 8-bit GEOS), released by Berkeley Softworks in 1990. Like GEM, the environment failed to catch on in the face of Windows' success, so ownership of the OS changed hands over the years while maintaining a user base.

Ensemble, in its current configuration, looks and feels much like a cousin of Windows 95, and its capabilities are roughly equivalent. Unlike most of the operating systems on this list, it's not free software. Breadbox Computer Company still sells it from their website for $99.95 a copy.


Inferno began in 1995 as a research operating system at Bell Labs. Its designers wanted to incorporate lessons learned in an earlier Bell research OS playfully called "Plan 9 From Bell Labs." Both are notable for being distributed OSes, which seamlessly allow users to utilize computing resources distributed across a network of machines.

Inferno differs significantly from Plan 9, however, by its inclusion of a virtual machine that ensures applications and the user interface are consistent across all platforms (which include x86, ARM, PowerPC, and SPARC). Inferno can be downloaded for free from its official website.


After 1996′s OS/2 Warp 4, IBM's OS/2-the OS that was supposed to replace DOS-fell off the radar for most PC users. Behind the scenes, however, loyal users began to clamor for updates and upgrades. Within a few years, a company called Serenity Systems-with permission from IBM-began to deliver them. Serenity wrapped its OS/2 upgrades and OS/2 itself into a new OS distribution called eComStation, which Serenity still actively develops today. eComStation, currently at version 2.0, sells for $149 (Home Edition) to $219 (Business Edition).

Seal GUI for DOS

While Microsoft abandoned plain old MS-DOS back in 1995, that hasn't stopped die-hard users of the classic command line OS from keeping its spirit alive. A number of Windows-like graphical shells are available for MS-DOS and its workalike cousins (notably FreeDOS and DR-DOS) - we've already seen one in the form of OpenGEM.

Another well-regarded and capable GUI for DOS is Seal, a colorful 32-bit windowing system with low system requirements (it runs on a 486 CPU and up). It's also free, open source, and tweakable.


KolibriOS is a small and speedy assembly-based hobby operating system that forked off of MenuetOS code in 2004. Like MenuetOS, this free, open-source OS can be run off a single floppy disk, but is also capable of expanding to meet larger needs on a hard disk installation. While Kolibri and Menuet are similar under the hood, each subscribes to a different user interface philosophy. Each is equally capable in its own way.


It's rare that someone undertakes a project to write a completely new x86-based operating system from scratch and sell it as closed source, proprietary software. But that's exactly what happened with SkyOS, which began as a simple bootloader program by Robert Szeleney in 1996. Over the next 8 years, Szeleney transformed it into a full-blown graphical OS with its own file system and API. He aimed to sell it and launched a paid beta program in 2004. Around 2008, updates began to dry up due to changes in Szeleney's life. Currently, development for SkyOS is on hold as Szeleney ponders the fate of what he has created.


If you've ever wanted to run Windows without actually running Windows, you're in luck. ReactOS is a free, open source Windows NT clone that aims to be 100% binary compatible with software written for Microsoft's NT-based operating systems (a la Windows XP).

This Windows clone is still in an early Alpha state, but it looks very promising. You can download a copy to try yourself from its official website.


Visiopsys is a GUI-based hobby operating developed from scratch by programmer Andy McLaughlin in his spare time. The result, while limited compared to a commercial operating system, feels impressive for a one-man operation. It's open source and available for free download on the Visiopsys website.


Of all defunct OSes, BeOS may have had the most promise. It emphasized simplicity, elegance, and support for parallel processing. The cancellation of development in 2001 upset BeOS fans.

Enter Haiku, a free, open-source BeOS. Over the past 10 years, Haiku developers have made impressive strides, despite the fact that the OS is still in an early alpha state. Due to Haiku's BeOS compatibility, many quality applications are available for this actively-developed OS. If Haiku continues to improve, the OS could become a mainstream, alternative desktop OS on par with Ubuntu Linux.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It also adds a custom desktop and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories. Download Linux Mint for free from the official website.


2. /the_secret_world_of_alternative_operating_systems.html
4. Benj Edwards, Technologizer

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


How to install Openmeetings 1.9.1 on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS

First we need to add the partner repositories, editing the sources.list file and removing the comments for the partner lines

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo add-apt-repository “deb lucid partner”

sudo apt-get update

Then install the necessary packages

sudo apt-get install -y java-package sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre mysql-server

sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick gs-gpl libart-2.0-2 libt1-5 zip unzip bzip2 subversion git-core checkinstall

sudo apt-get install -y yasm texi2html libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libmp3lame-dev libsdl1.2-dev libx11-dev libxfixes-dev libxvidcore-dev zlib1g-dev libogg-dev sox libvorbis0a libvorbis-dev libgsm1 libgsm1-dev libfaad2 flvtool2 lame swftools

sudo apt-get install -y ghostScript imageMagick libpaper-utils msttcorefonts pstoedit ttf-dejavu netbeans

Now, for the ffmpeg, it is necessary to download, compile and install it:


tar -zxvf ffmpeg-0.6.1.tar.gz

cd ffmpeg-0.6.1/

./configure --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libxvid --enable-libvorbis --enable-libgsm --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaac --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree

sudo checkinstall

Now that all the dependencies for Openmeetings are met, let’s start the Openmeetings installation.

Get openmeetings (this includes the Red5 server):


Extract it and move it to /opt


sudo mv red5 /opt/

Change owner to nobody

sudo chown -R nobody\: /opt/red5

Make all the scrips executable

sudo chmod +x /opt/red5/*.sh

sudo chmod +x /opt/red5/webapps/openmeetings/jod/*.sh

Now let’s create the startup script for openmeetings:

sudo nano /etc/init.d/red5

Paste the following code:

#! /bin/sh
# red5 red5 initscript
# Author: Simon Eisenmann .
set -e
DESC="Red5 flash streaming server"
# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
# Read config file if it is present.
if [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ]
. /etc/default/$NAME
# Function that starts the daemon/service.
d_start() {
start-stop-daemon --start -c nobody --pidfile $PIDFILE --chdir $RED5_HOME --background --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON
# Function that stops the daemon/service.
d_stop() {
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name java
rm -f $PIDFILE
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
echo "."
echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
echo "."

echo -n "Restarting $DESC: $NAME"
sleep 1
echo "."

echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 1

exit 0
exit 0

Now the same thing for openoffice startup script:

sudo nano /etc/init.d/openoffice

Paste the following code:


# headless server script


# chkconfig: 2345 80 30

# description: headless openoffice server script

# processname: openoffice


# Author: Vic Vijayakumar

# Modified by Federico Ch. Tomasczik





set -e

case "$1" in


if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then

echo "OpenOffice headless server has already started."

sleep 5



echo "Starting OpenOffice headless server"

$SOFFICE_PATH -headless -nologo -nofirststartwizard -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp" & > /dev/null 2>&1

touch $PIDFILE



if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then

echo "Stopping OpenOffice headless server."

killall -9 soffice && killall -9 soffice.bin

rm -f $PIDFILE



echo "Openoffice headless server is not running."




echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"

exit 1


exit 0

Make both scripts executable:

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/red5

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/openoffice

Now let’s make both services start automatically:

sudo update-rc.d red5 defaults

sudo update-rc.d openoffice defaults

Almost done, now to create openmeetings database (we have created a database user named openmeetings with the password password):

echo "CREATE USER openmeetings@localhost;" | mysql -u root -p

echo "CREATE DATABASE openmeetings DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8';" | mysql -u root -p

echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openmeetings.* TO 'openmeetings'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;" | mysql -u root -p

echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql -u root -p

And now configure openmeetings to use the database user created above:

sudo nano /opt/red5/webapps/openmeetings/conf/hibernate.cfg.xml

In the User / Password section, configure the correct database username (openmeetings) and password (password)

Now start openmeetings and openoffice:

sudo /etc/init.d/red5 start

sudo /etc/init.d/openoffice start

Go to a browser and point to the following link:

http://[server ip]:5080/openmeetings/install

Press “Continue with step 1”

Then, fill the following fields:




User time zone


Default language

Then, finally click on the “Install” button, and Voila!


1. Nicky Hajal
3. and-configure/

Tuesday, December 27, 2011



1. Installation
1. Compiling ntop from source or SVN
2. Configuration
1. Fixing "Physical Host Location" feature (
3. Access
4. Links

Ntop shows the current network usage. It displays a list of hosts that are currently using the network and reports information concerning the IP (Internet Protocol) and Fibre Channel (FC) traffic generated by each host. The traffic is sorted according to host and protocol. Protocols (user configurable) include:

* (R)ARP
* Decnet

* Netbios
* Fibre Channel
o o Control Traffic - SW2, GS3, ELS o SCSI

(In human-readable, this means you can very comprehensively monitor your network traffic, connections & bandwidth via a web output)



Packages needed for installation are:


You can just type the following to install it (make sure you enable the Universe repositories):

sudo apt-get install ntop -y

Compiling ntop from source or SVN

The ntop source can be retrieved from Ubuntu's servers using a command like:

apt-get source ntop

which will unpack the source package into the current working directory with a name like ntop-3.3.10. You can also follow the instructions at to retrieve the latest version from SVN (trunk):

svn co

Most of the packages which will be required to build ntop from source on an Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) can be retrieved with the following command:

sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libgdbm-dev libevent-dev librrd-dev python-dev libgeoip-dev

You must first run ./ in the ntop directory to create the configure script, Makefiles, and such, as described here. The configure script is pretty good about telling you which dependencies are missing, if any. Don't forget you can pass configure options to, as in:

./ --prefix=/usr/local/stow/ntop-svn

RPM - RedHat, CentOS, ClearOS, etc

Download latest ntop

Visit ntop project to grab latest version. You can use wget to grab the same, enter:
#cd /opt

Untar tar ball, enter:
#tar -zxvf ntop-3.3.6.tar.gz
Configure and Compile ntop under RHEL

You must have RRDTool installed. You also need to install libpcap, enter:
# yum install libpcap-devel libpcap

Type the following commands to compile and install ntop:
#cd ntop

Just type make to compile ntop:

Just type make install to install ntop:
#make install
#make install-data-as


When first installing & configuring the ntop application you need to set an admin password.

sudo ntop --set-admin-password

restart the service with

sudo /etc/init.d/ntop restart

RPM - RedHat, CentOS, ClearOS, etc

Type the following command to run ntop as ntop user, enter:
#useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin -r ntop

Setup directory permissions

Next, you need to setup directory permissions, enter:
#chown ntop:root /usr/local/var/ntop/
#chown ntop:ntop /usr/local/share/ntop/

Setup ntop user admin password

Type the following command to set ntop admin password, enter:
#ntop -A

Sample output:

Mon Jul 28 03:38:34 2008  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Mon Jul 28 03:38:34 2008 Initializing gdbm databases
ntop startup - waiting for user response!
Please enter the password for the admin user:
Please enter the password again:
Mon Jul 28 03:38:42 2008 Admin user password has been set

Start ntop

Type the following command to start ntop:
# /usr/local/bin/ntop -d -L -u ntop -P /usr/local/var/ntop --skip-version-check --use-syslog=daemon
Sample output:

Mon Jul 28 03:42:19 2008  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Mon Jul 28 03:42:19 2008 Initializing gdbm databases
If you have multiple interface (eth0, eth1 and so on), start ntop as follows:
# /usr/local/bin/ntop -i "eth0,eth1" -d -L -u ntop -P /usr/local/var/ntop --skip-version-check --use-syslog=daemon

The host location results com from instead, a service of MaxMind, who provide the libgeoip1 library also used in ntop.


To access your network statistics via the web visit the web address:



2. - helps manage source packages without sullying /usr/bin, /usr/share, and so on